SIGMA is an orga­ni­za­tion founded to help ex-Soviet satellite countries establish demo­c­ra­t­ic insti­tu­tions. Despite some socio-political setbacks, the mission remains vital and, for its 25th anniver­sary, the orga­ni­za­tion wanted to create a positive message that captured momentum but also acknowl­edged chal­lenges. SIGMA relied on CONTENTI’s public policy and affairs acumen to com­mu­ni­cate this important event.


CONTENTI created the ‘In my lifetime’ campaign, com­mis­sion­ing Swedish illus­tra­tor Stina Wisrén, to draw portraits of indi­vid­u­als express­ing their hope for change. The campaign was used through­out the year and at in-person events. 

In Public Policy, SIGMA's mission is to strengthen the foundations for improved public governance. Pictured are ink drawn portraits by Stina Wirsén from our campaign "in my lifetime"
In Public Policy, SIGMA's mission is to strengthen the foundations for improved public governance. Pictured are ink drawn portraits by Stina Wirsén from our campaign "in my lifetime"
In Public Policy, SIGMA's mission is to strengthen the foundations for improved public governance. Pictured are ink drawn portraits by Stina Wirsén from our campaign "in my lifetime"


The problem of rising economic inequal­i­ty is one of the key work­streams of the OECD. ‘Inclusive growth’ was a cor­ner­stone issue of a meeting in Helsinki, Finland, bringing together policy makers from around the world. The challenge: to bring the issue to life in a vivid, com­pelling way to inspire change. The OECD relied on CONTENTI’s public policy and affairs acumen to com­mu­ni­cate this important event.


CONTENTI created a multi-dimen­sion­al campaign with the theme of ‘Let’s achieve growth for all’. The campaign was artic­u­lat­ed across all platforms. CONTENTI ensured that the theme was woven into the key policy document, a technical document that was imbued with the colors and messages of the campaign.


With pop­u­la­tions becoming increas­ing­ly urban, cities are a key factor in social, economic and envi­ron­men­tal progress. To con­tribute to finding solutions, the OECD wanted to showcase its work in National Urban Policy at the global UN-Habitat con­fer­ence, an influ­en­tial event that occurs every four years. The OECD relied on CONTENTI’s public policy and affairs acumen for both thematic and indepth com­mu­ni­ca­tions tools for this global event.


CONTENTI created a campaign that favored coherency in visuals and messages. Illustrator Jeff Fisher was asked to create the flagship artwork which was applied to all tools. In addition to elab­o­rat­ing the campaign, CONTENTI wrote in-depth content, including a jour­nal­is­tic article bringing together all the threads of the ora­gani­za­tion’s research.


The Qudwa Global Teaching Forum, organized under the patronage of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, aims to empower teachers to improve the future of education. The OECD, a program sponsor, wished to create 12 pre­sen­ta­tions for the con­fer­ence, and then transform con­fer­ence content into book form. The OECD chose CONTENTI’s public policy and affairs acumen to offer on-the-ground support and to develop indepth, spe­cial­ists materials and pub­li­ca­tions.


CONTENTI provided editorial support for the creation of 12 policy papers which we then helped transform into pre­sen­ta­tions. We attended the Qudwa Forum in Abu Dhabi to provide on-the-spot editorial support. CONTENTI was then tasked with shifting the pre­sen­ta­tions into the pub­li­ca­tion: ‘Teaching for the Future: Effective Classroom Practices to Transform Education’.

Essays on the future of teaching published by the OECD and the Qudwa Gobal Teaching Forum, organised under the patronage of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
Essays on the future of teaching published by the OECD and the Qudwa Gobal Teaching Forum, organised under the patronage of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
Essays on the future of teaching published by the OECD and the Qudwa Gobal Teaching Forum, organised under the patronage of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi