Frequenty Asked Questions about CONTENTI and how we build B2B brands for global markets

Where is CONTENTI located?
CONTENTI is registered in France, with our headquarters located in Paris. All billing, administration and project management is handled through our Paris office, as well as a portion of content creation tasks.
Where are CONTENTI’s other locations?
In addition to our Paris headquarters, CONTENTI’s core team is located in Stockholm and in the greater Los Angeles area in the United States. However, your business contact will take place through our Paris office.
How many people work at CONTENTI?
CONTENTI is a boutique global agency with four senior core team members. The majority of work on your projects will be accomplished by the core team backed by our team of specialized collaborators deployed according to each project’s parameters. Each project will generally have two to three dedicated senior team members covering project management/client contact, strategy, copywriting and creative direction.
When was CONTENTI founded?
CONTENTI was incorporated in 2014, however core team members have been working together since 2006.
What is CONTENTI’s approach to handling large, global projects?
Global Marketing professionals benefit from our concentrated experience and savoir-faire in creating global brands and brand concepts. As a boutique agency, we don’t distribute projects to junior teams. All work is handled by CONTENTI’s experienced experts, which is one of the reasons both large and small B2B companies like to work with us.
Your core team is located in different cities. How does that work?
Because we work globally, we are almost never located in the same place as our clients. For this reason, the geographic location of our team is less important than the talent and qualities we bring to each project. Our team is global, just like the client teams we work with. It’s just one of the ways we deliver value to our clients.
What else makes CONTENTI a specialist global team?
Is CONTENTI specialized in particular sectors?
CONTENTI works in a broad number of B2B sectors, as you can see from our case studies. But what’s common in our approach to each domain is the deep understanding of the subject matter that we work to acquire. Because much of the content we create is aimed at experts, we need to be in a position to offer you substantial support in the generation of all forms of authoritative content.
Who writes your English language content?
All of our English-language copy is written in-house, by native English speakers of our core team.
What intrinsic qualities make a brand or campaign created by CONTENTI more global?
Creating a brand and brand concept that will thrive in different regions and languages is a specific skill. The challenges are substantially different from those of single-market brand projects. A key difference is the skill required in listening to and incorporating input from regional stakeholders. That information must then be used to generate an idea that supports the global brand strategy while leaving ample room for local adjustments. None of these constraints, however, can be allowed to compromise the impact and effectiveness of the campaign.
Does CONTENTI handle translations?
For the most part, our clients ask their regional marketing teams to provide translations. For clients that are organized differently, we can manage translations. However, translation require the combined effort of agency and client to achieve a highly professional result. We work with experienced translators to create each translation, coordinating with your regional staff to ensure accuracy. All marketing materials that we deliver are optimized so that different languages can be placed into layouts.
What is CONTENTI’s policy on A.I.?
We’ve found A.I. is most immediately applicable to a number of SEO tasks. Concerning copywriting, our experience as writing professionals is such that the time spent getting the A.I.-generated copy exactly where we want it takes longer than starting from a blank page and handful of good ideas. Some have prophesied that ChatGPT and similar A.I.s mean the death of professional copywriting. We’re more optimistic, and this optimism has been confirmed by Google’s recent ‘Helpful Content’, policy. Their newly revised algorithms rolled out in the Summer of 2023 favor high-quality content written for humans by humans. This is Google’s effort to reduce the amount of low-quality and spammy content on the web..
What is CONTENTI’s client onboarding process?
We start with a preliminary online meeting to determine the scope of your project. Afterwards, we come back to you with an estimate and initial planning calendar. At this point we provide many of our clients with a briefing document to structure the brief. From there, we generally plan a meeting that includes project stakeholders to ask follow-up questions and to clarify any part of the brief that remains unclear. During this time, CONTENTI may provide any documents you require to establish our status as a registered supplier for your company.
Does CONTENTI have specific payment terms?
Because we work with clients all over the world, for a first job, we generally ask that half of the agreed upon price be paid up front, with full payment being received prior to delivery of the finalized work and/or artwork. We always include a payment schedule in our initial contract, to be agreed on by both parties. With repeat clients this generally stipulates payment in 3 steps: The first payment upon signing of the contract, a second payment at an intermediary step to be defined between the parties, and a final payment upon delivery of the final elements. As mentioned, for first-time clients, the final payment releases the finalized content. Keep in mind that, depending on the nature of the project, other payment terms may be proposed.
Does CONTENTI undertake spec work?
For multi-year contracts or those lasting a minimum of 12 months with a contractually defined wordload, CONTENTI will consider doing spec creative in the context of an agency review. For shorter contracts or project work, CONTENTI requires remuneration and a purchase order prior to commencing work.