Build a global brand that’s ready to scale and conquer!

Opportunities evolve quickly. Make sure your brand is on the mark and ready to grow.


  • A com­mu­ni­ca­tions partner uniquely spe­cial­ized in global B2B chal­lenges.
  • The right team for enter­pris­es launching or updating their brand in multiple markets simul­ta­ne­ous­ly.
  • A knowl­edge­able partner that excels at engaging technical and non-technical B2B audiences, every­where.
  • A great team to work with!

“I think our clients see us as a partner and ally who under­stands their subject matter and works with them to take effective ideas from con­cep­tion to global imple­men­ta­tion.”

- Bill Below, CONTENTI

Derisk your marketing ini­tia­tives

Nothing should com­pro­mise getting to launch date with out­stand­ing brand work that will make a splash in all of your markets. With an exclusive focus on global (multi-market) chal­lenges, we bring the spe­cial­ist creative and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills that help you keep every com­mit­ment.

Work with attentive B2B spe­cial­ists (as you create a killer brand)

As someone who works with global teams, you know the impor­tance of main­tain­ing open lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion with your team. Wherever you are in the world, you’ll enjoy CONTENTI’s trademark avail­abil­i­ty and respon­sive­ness. Our out­stand­ing project man­age­ment keeps everyone on the team up-to-date, no matter where in the world they happen to be.

Benefit from our global B2B expe­ri­ence

There are a lot of moving pieces in any global brand project. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly true when it comes to the creative process. Finding powerful solutions that work every­where requires approach­ing every project through a global lens. At CONTENTI, that’s at the heart of our business.

CONTENTI Leadership

Illustrated portrait of agency founder Bill Below
Bill Below
Founder, Content Strategist

Bill has worked for global Public Relations and adver­tis­ing networks in Europe and the U.S., including Ketchum and Thomspon Wunderman, in Los Angeles, and Publicis and Havas in Paris. As a creative pro­fes­sion­al, his career has been devoted to helping B2B companies succeed in global markets. His com­mu­ni­ca­tions expe­ri­ence includes an appoint­ment as Senior Content Strategist at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a global economics think tank.

Illustrated portrait of agency founder Bill Below
Amy Below
Co-Founder, Managing Partner

Amy was born in Newport Beach, California, and spent her youth between New York City and Los Angeles. She received her Master’s Degree from Columbia University. Amy brings her writing, editorial and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills to a wide range of projects and clients. Her keen ana­lyt­i­cal skills and sharp eye for detail are invalu­able in under­stand­ing and express­ing the sci­en­tif­ic and tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tions developed by CONTENTI’s clients.

Illustrated portrait of agency founder Bill Below
Jan Ragnartz
Creative Director, Design Lead

Jan has been the design mas­ter­mind behind countless B2B brands and brand concepts. He is a master at devel­op­ing elegant brand systems that inspire rock-solid trust and convey global-player status to nascent and revamped brands, alike. He is well-versed in the needs of global orga­ni­za­tions for brand systems that make deploy­ment easy and adherence to guide­lines even easier. Jan is truly a global citizen, speaking fluent English, French, German and Swedish.

Illustrated portrait of agency founder Bill Below
Lorna Ladd
SEO and Online Engagement Specialist

With her MBA from Pepperdine University in Los Angeles in hand, Lorna launched an online business in the pet care sector. A few years later she sold her company to a major industry player. Today, Lorna uses her entre­pre­neur­ial instincts, and marketing and ana­lyt­i­cal acumen to help clients grow their busi­ness­es through the use of CRM, data, insights and KPIs, with an eye to maximize engage­ment, con­ver­sion and trust.

We’ve earned the trust of these global clients: