Health Sciences

Becton Dickinson, BD, logo with symbol

BD (Becton Dickinson) is one of the largest global medical tech­nol­o­gy companies in the world, dedicated to inno­va­tion in medical discovery, diag­nos­tics and the delivery of care. The company develops tech­nol­o­gy, services and solutions that help advance both clinical therapy for patients and clinical process for health­care providers. BD’s global sales in 2022 were $4.76 billion.

Positioning a Global Leader in Medical Devices

BD’s Medical and Pharmaceutical Systems Division asked CONTENTI to conduct a posi­tion­ing workshop and produce a strategic posi­tion­ing roadmap and messages.

Repositioning BD’s Vaccine Line

CONTENTI was asked by BD to assist in repo­si­tion­ing its line of drug delivery devices aimed at the vaccine market.

Developing Web Content and Claims in a Regulated Environment

CONTENTI was com­mis­sioned to provide com­pre­hen­sive web content to populate the Medical and Pharmaceutical Systems site.

Supporting BD’s Digital Vision

Over the last few years, CONTENTI has provided insights and deliv­er­ables for a number of projects aligning BD’s offer with the Pharma 4.0 dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion paradigm.

Supporting BD’s Biopharma Range

CONTENTI provided omni-channel marketing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions support for the full injection device line for biopharma.

In-depth Articles on BD’s Technical and Scientific Breakthroughs

CONTENTI has written numerous articles for BD in the pro­fes­sion­al Press. CONTENTI manages the briefing, drafting and val­i­da­tion phases, taking the burden off of internal BD staff.

Becton Dickinson, BD, logo with symbol

Aptar Pharma is the drug delivery division of the Aptar Group, a United States-based global man­u­fac­tur­er of consumer dis­pens­ing packaging and drug delivery devices. The group has man­u­fac­tur­ing oper­a­tions in 18 countries. Aptar Group had sales of $3.32 billion in 2022.

New Positioning and Tagline

Aptar Pharma asked CONTENTI to undertake a com­pet­i­tive analysis and extensive internal inter­views towards repo­si­tion­ing Aptar Pharma to reflect a new period of expansion. Deliverables included a new corporate tagline reflect­ing the new brand posi­tion­ing.

PR and Advertising

CONTENTI drafted the corporate press release and produced an adver­tis­ing campaign to com­mu­ni­cate Aptar’s expansion. 

Corporate Launch Event Support

CONTENTI provided com­mu­ni­ca­tions support for Aptar Pharma’s expansion program launch events, including messaging for key pre­sen­ta­tions, invi­ta­tions and other deliv­er­ables.

Becton Dickinson, BD, logo with symbol

Advanced Instruments is the unsur­passed leader in the North American biotech­nol­o­gy pro­cess­ing and osmolol­o­gy equipment market and a global provider of sci­en­tif­ic and ana­lyt­i­cal solutions for the bio­pro­cess­ing and clinical indus­tries.

Preparing Advanced Instruments for EMEA Expansion

Advanced Instruments recently com­mis­sioned CONTENTI to update its brand as the company positions itself for rapid growth in the EMEA region.

Interested in learning more?

CONTENTI contact Information:

+33 1 40 09 xx xx

CONTENTI Corporation

3 Place du PERE CHAILLET, Paris, 75011


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