Advanced Instruments is a leader in bioprocessing and cell-line development technology

A global provider of bio­pro­cess­ing and cell-line devel­op­ment solutions rein­forces its vis­i­bil­i­ty in Europe.

Advanced Instruments asked CONTENTI to update its image as it expands its presence in the European bio­pro­cess­ing and cell-line devel­op­ment market.

Advanced Instruments is a global provider of sci­en­tif­ic and ana­lyt­i­cal solutions for the bio­pro­cess­ing and clinical indus­tries. Long a leader in the U.S. market, the company approached CONTENTI to reinforce its vis­i­bil­i­ty of its osmo­lal­i­ty and cell-line devel­op­ment instru­ments in the European market.

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