
Nutreco is a leading animal nutrition company providing best-in-class advice and tech­nol­o­gy to help farmers produce more in a sus­tain­able way.

Conception, Design and Writing of a Flagship Technical White Paper

In col­lab­o­ra­tion with Nutreco’s technical team, CONTENTI designed, researched and wrote the flagship technical whitepa­per for Nutreco’s LifeStart brand.

Full Website Content Provision

CONTENTI struc­tured and provided the full contents for Nutreco’s LifeStart brand website.

Social Media Content & Management

CONTENTI was con­tract­ed to build the LifeStart brand’s global online community, managing all social media channels and content including summaries of relevant academic lit­er­a­ture.

Becton Dickinson, BD, logo with symbol

Vytelle is a precision livestock company reshaping how cattle producers worldwide optimize their herds. It is part of the Grosvenor Group, founded in 1677. The acqui­si­tion of Vytelle reflects the Group’s invest­ments in sus­tain­able livestock solutions.

Platform Illustrations

CONTENTI con­cep­tu­al­ized and illus­trat­ed Vytelle’s technical platform.

Full Website Content Provision

CONTENTI delivered the full contents of the Vytelle website.

Writing and Design of Marketing and Technical Material

CONTENTI wrote and designed Vytelle’s marketing materials.

Interested in learning more?

CONTENTI contact Information:

+33 1 40 09 xx xx

CONTENTI Corporation

3 Place du PERE CHAILLET, Paris, 75011


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