
Beckton-Dickinson: Repositioning BD’s Medical and Pharmaceutical Systems business

Aptar Pharma: Communicating Aptar Pharma’s global expansion

Advanced Instruments: Reinforcing Advanced Instrument’s European presence

Becton-Dickinson: Contributing to the pharma indus­try’s digital trans­for­ma­tion


Air France KLM: Positioning a major player in aircraft main­te­nance for the longhaul

SSAB: Attempting (unsuc­cess­ful­ly) to destroy the world’s strongest steel

Animal Health

Bayer Animal Health: Conveying efficacy and repon­si­bil­i­ty in the control of bovine mastitis

Bayer Animal Health: Creating a vet­eri­nary brand for the control of sub­clin­i­cal disease

Bayer Animal Health: Promoting an app that helps vet­eri­nar­i­ans produce resilient cows

MSD Animal Health: Strengthening the bonds between pet owners and their vet­eri­nar­i­ans

Animal Nutrition and Genetics

Nutreco: Helping farmers apply epi­ge­net­ics for more pro­duc­tive cows

Vytelle: Promoting a platform for genetic progress in cattle

Financial Services

Caceis Helping a global player in asset services leap ahead

Public Policy

OECD: Promoting global policies to reduce inequal­i­ties

Habitat III/OECD: Making the world a better place one city at a time