Aptar Pharma launched an expansion program to help deliver billions of doses to patients worldwide.

“Changing expec­ta­tions of what an injecta­bles partner can be…”

CONTENTI was hired to repo­si­tion Aptar Pharma in the context of a sub­stan­tial invest­ment in global capacity. The goal: to com­mu­ni­cate Aptar Pharma’s huge leap in products, services and avail­abil­i­ty.

CONTENTI’s remit included deliv­er­ables to support the announce­ment of Aptar Pharma’s expansion program:

  • Competitive Comparison
  • Interviews with key project stake­hold­ers
  • Elaboration of buyer personas and asso­ci­at­ed claims and messages
  • Creation of a posi­tion­ing message and tagline
  • Advertising campaign
  • Content and editing for keynote pre­sen­ta­tions at launch events in France and US
  • Press article

Campaign elements:

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