Tag with title B2B Brand Creation and Expression

From the first second of the first encounter, your brand begins its work…

We create B2B brands that inspire trust and convey meaning, that last over time and are catalysts for countless strong stories.

Tools that we use for B2B brand creation and expres­sion:

Understanding the challenge

Brand Audit

Evaluation of the design, color palette, typog­ra­phy and con­sis­ten­cy of an existing brand’s visual identity. Evaluation of taglines, slogans, and key messaging for alignment with the brand’s values and posi­tion­ing.

Competitive Landscape

Together, we identify the field of com­peti­tors, compare brand posi­tion­ing and messaging, and assess each brand’s strengths and weak­ness­es in relation to the goals set for your brand.

Brand Workshop

We design a workshop drawing on your people’s market knowledge and wisdom. Through combined exercises, we arrive at a shared vision of the chal­lenges the brand faces, and the oppor­tu­ni­ties available.

Conclusions and Brief

All pre­lim­i­nary work is syn­the­sized into a document that is validated by stake­hold­ers. An action­able briefing document is prepared that deter­mines how the brand will be expressed.

Co-inventing an inspiring solution

Brand Positioning

The posi­tion­ing opens up a unique space in the marketplace—and in the minds of your audience—for your brand. It is expressed with a posi­tion­ing statement that is the synthesis of all the previous steps.

Brand Identity

We create a dis­tinc­tive vehicle that will carry your brand forward and which expresses your brand’s values and ambitions.

Graphic Standards

Graphic standards should provide your brand with the right mix of flex­i­bil­i­ty and immutable prin­ci­ples, to ensure your brand is a living, evolving entity while never diluting its power and integrity.

The Big Idea

The Big Idea is the next layer in your coherent brand universe. It is a unifying message that will be used across platforms to express your brand infor­ma­tion to different audiences.

Bringing your brand universe to life


This is the Big Idea at work. It is a demon­stra­tion that the idea can be adapted to all the com­mu­ni­ca­tions sit­u­a­tions your brand needs to cover.

Online Content

For CONTENTI, online and offline content must obey the same rules of brand con­sis­ten­cy. Each marketing tool that we create can be extended across online and other platforms.


A new or updated corporate brand has internal and external com­mu­ni­ca­tions com­po­nents. CONTENTI has extensive expe­ri­ence com­mu­ni­cat­ing to internal and external stake­hold­ers.

Communications Kit

We help you in rolling out your campaign globally by preparing a kit con­tain­ing all the resources required for country-level teams to localize and deploy the campaign easily.