An omni-channel campaign to influence global leaders from 37 OECD countries.

Image of global policy makers with elements of omni-channel campaign in the background and onscreen.

CONTENTI created an omni-channel campaign address­ing the rise of income dis­par­i­ties across OECD countries.

To support the OECD in elevating this policy issue in the minds of global policy makers, CONTENTI created an omni-channel campaign focused on the key policy issue. CONTENTI’s support included global branding as well as in-depth assis­tance in writing and preparing the technical documents that policy makers would take back to their home countries. This is an example of how B2B branding practices can be applied suc­cess­ful­ly to public policy and public affairs issues.

With top ministers from 37 countries coming together to discuss policy, CONTENTI created an omni-channel campaign laser focused on the meeting’s central policy issue: inclusive growth.

Profile of an inte­grat­ed campaign:

(click to expand)