We made Nobivac animal vaccines all about the strong bonds between pets and the people who love them.

The rela­tion­ship between people and their pets is unique. We created the Nobivac brand from the ground up to be about pre­serv­ing those special bonds.

Vets are often business owners, but what motivates them goes much deeper.

We saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to connect to that moti­va­tion, asso­ci­at­ing a range of companion animal vaccines with the broader value of pro­tect­ing the strong bonds between pet owners and the animals they love. In so doing, the vet­eri­nar­i­an becomes a vital link in pro­tect­ing that emotional bond. A global pho­to­shoot produced a series of black and white photos of families, couples and indi­vid­u­als inter­act­ing with their own pets. Full dis­clo­sure, Jan Ragnartz and William Below created this campaign while working at their previous agencies.

Campaign Elements:

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