Crafting a Winning Global B2B Brand Campaign: The Team’s Key Role

Crafting a Winning Global B2B Brand Campaign: The Team’s Key Role

As a 30-year veteran of the Animal Health and Nutrition industry, I have been respon­si­ble for over 100 global marketing and inno­va­tion projects. Here, I’d like to share my ideas on the success factors behind global B2B brand campaigns, espe­cial­ly my thoughts on launches.

All the suc­cess­ful global B2B brand campaigns I’ve worked on have three aspects in common: 

  • They focus on the winning insight; 
  • There is con­sis­ten­cy across different channels and geo­gra­phies; 
  • They involve “concerted execution”.
DALL‑E (Artificial intel­li­gence) “Rowers skulling on a river in the style of Hokusai”

No single indi­vid­ual, not even the most brilliant one, can achieve this alone. Teamwork and concerted effort are required. So the question is: How can I/ how do we establish this team and make it work? A few important steps, in the right sequence (as shown here), make all the dif­fer­ence:

  • Recruit team members with a col­lab­o­ra­tive mindset, rep­re­sent­ing all relevant stake­hold­ers. All stake­hold­ers in the company/business must feel rep­re­sent­ed by the team and the team needs to reflect this! This can mean functions, sub­seg­ments and geo­gra­phies.
  • Team members must fully commit to the team and its work, and feel ownership of the result.
  • Diversity of the different markets must be rec­og­nized, resulting in a 360overview of all relevant aspects.
  • Find the winning insight, the cor­ner­stone of the campaign.
  • Build com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools around this winning insight.
  • Execute the launch plan in a concerted way. By concerted I mean that there is a focused direction globally but that the countries/regions involved have some latitude in how they get to that clearly delin­eat­ed end point. 

Once the plan is ready and the tools are available, it all about execution!

“Team members must fully commit to the team and its work, and feel ownership of the result.”

- Rinse Boersma
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