Communicating inno­va­tions that enable the tran­si­tion to Pharma 4.0.

Towards Pharma 4.0. in Fill/Finish oper­a­tions

With its RFID-based unit-level tracking solution for prefilled syringes (PFS), Becton Dickinson is help pharma man­u­fac­tur­ers evolve towards Pharma 4.0 by address­ing key risks and costly bot­tle­necks related to the fill-finish process. 

CONTENTI helped BD com­mu­ni­cate inno­va­tion in both Pharma 4.0. and connected health­care: unit-level trace­abil­i­ty solutions for PFS fill-finish oper­a­tions and decen­tral­ized clinical trials (DCTs).

Addressing the chal­lenges of clinical trials

DCTs represent a potent antidote to the growing costs, longer cycle times and patient adherence issues that beset clinical trials. A major issue in the recruit­ment and retention of can­di­dates is the incon­ve­nience of trav­el­ling regularly to the trial centre. BD’s solution is based on a new, connected injection device designed to meet the needs of par­tic­i­pants, trial sponsors and contract research orga­ni­za­tions.

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