We build animal health brands that build long-term value!


We build animal health brands that build long-term value!

Animal Health solution manufacturer Bayer Animal Health logo and sign


In 2022, in a directive con­cern­ing animal health practices, the EU banned all forms of routine farm antibi­ot­ic use including pro­phy­lac­tic group treatment. At the same time, farmers were faced with the need to treat bovine mastitis. Bayer wanted to bring a new intra­mam­ma­ry antibi­ot­ic to the market while empha­siz­ing the new reg­u­la­to­ry context for vet­eri­nary antibi­otics.


CONTENTI created the Arentor brand, posi­tion­ing it with the tagline: ‘Responsibility without com­pro­mise’. The messaging of the global campaign empha­sized the respon­si­ble character of farmers and the vet­eri­nar­i­ans they partner with. The agency created the brand from the ground up, from brand identity to the drafting of technical copy, and the creation of adver­tis­ing and col­lat­er­al materials.

Merck Animal Health logo and sign


Merck Animal Health sought to make its Nobivac range of small animal vaccines the first choice of vet­eri­nar­i­ans. The stakes were high, as vet­eri­nar­i­ans usually buy the full range of vaccines from their chosen source. The challenge was to demon­strate that Nobivac and Merck were the best vaccine partner for vet­eri­nary practices around the world.


Working from the insight that small animal vets are business people, but business isn’t their prime motivator, we (Bill Below and Jan Ragnartz) made Nobivac about the strong bonds between pet owners and their pets. Highly emotional black and white photos were shot showing real people inter­act­ing with their pets, and the essential bonds were sym­bol­ized by two rows of colored dots, which also func­tioned as a color code for the product packaging.

Animal Health solutions manufacturer MSD logo and sign


Diseases affecting the cul­ti­va­tion of fish cost the industry billions of dollars per year and impact the food security of many regions. MSD Animal Health created the Aquavac brand of vaccines for aqua­cul­ture. In launching this global brand, MSD wanted to emphasize both the per­for­mance and the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of its products.


We built the Aquavac brand with the posi­tion­ing of “Sustainable Performance”. To emphasize that Aquavac products are always on the cutting edge, we created a logo which would be similar to the Nike swoosh, which we called the ‘Fish-swish’. We used a green lumi­nes­cent design on a black back­ground, empha­siz­ing the high-tech, precise nature of the range.