Nutreco’s LifeStart brand brought a new, science-based approach to the calf nutrition market. Based on epi­ge­net­ic research, LifeStart demon­strat­ed that future milk pro­duc­tion would benefit from higher calorie intake, including a full component of colostrum, in the first weeks of a calf’s life. But adoption of this new idea required that farmers under­stand both the science and the long-term—rather than short-term—economic benefits. Nutreco turned to CONTENTI, an expe­ri­enced partner in com­mu­ni­cat­ing inno­va­tion in animal nutrition and genetics.


CONTENTI’s approach was three-pronged. Together with Nutreco’s technical teams, we wrote and designed the flagship white paper that presented the science in a clear, prac­ti­cal­ly oriented manner. We produced full web content and articles in the same vein, in pragmatic and action­able terms. We undertook community building on social media, explain­ing the science, com­mu­ni­cat­ing influ­encers’ views and con­dens­ing important research findings.


Vytelle is a promi­nent­ly backed start-up offering a tech­nol­o­gy-based platform that helps cattle producers achieve higher pro­duc­tion and greater sus­tain­abil­i­ty to meet growing trends in the beef industry. Vytelle asked CONTENTI, an expe­ri­enced partner in com­mu­ni­cat­ing inno­va­tion in animal nutrition and genetics, to help com­mu­ni­cat­ed its platform to global markets. 


Vytelle asked CONTENTI to produce the key platform visual as well as write the full contents of their website. CONTENTI also provided content and design for all asso­ci­at­ed marketing materials. CONTENTI inter­faced with Vytelle’s U.S. head­quar­ters, based in Kansas City, Missouri, and the company’s German sub­sidiary.