Systematize your social media presence.

Curate social media posts from your global staff and super­charge your brand’s online presence.

95% of B2B marketers used social media platforms to dis­trib­ute content over the last 12 months.1

60% of B2B marketers say that social media is the digital channel most effective at driving revenue.2

65% of B2B buyers cited YouTube as a digital channel informing a recent purchase. 60% cited Facebook and 55% cited Instagram.3

31% of sellers say they have closed deals worth more than $500,000 (USD) without ever meeting the buyer face to face.4

Leading B2B companies are using social media to both effec­tive­ly, and cost-effec­tive­ly, acquire and retain customers.

Yet, in many companies social media ini­tia­tives stall. There are many reasons why a sustained approach to producing social media content can fail. Often the process of posting is left to a single person who has many addi­tion­al duties. But, whatever the reason, if you are not using social media, you are falling behind com­peti­tors who are making good use of it..

Establish a steady volume of high-quality content

CONTENTI can work with you to set up internal content streams within your company (generally with your subject matter experts), ensuring a steady, con­sis­tent volume of posts over a sustained period. Desired volume can be deter­mined con­trac­tu­al­ly, and a detailed content calendar can be estab­lished, with room for unsched­uled oppor­tu­ni­ties.

The heartbeat of your sustained social media presence

CONTENTI can handle some or all of the coor­di­na­tion and writing/editing tasks and can coor­di­nate the val­i­da­tion process in function of pre­de­ter­mined gov­er­nance rules. This allows companies to cen­tral­ize and master their social media invest­ment, as well as attain a mean­ing­ful volume of outbound, high-quality social media content.

NUTRECO N.V., Amersfoort, Netherlands (€5.2 billion annual sales), con­tract­ed with CONTENTI to produce a wide range of social media content types for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, ranging from simple infor­ma­tion­al posts to links to technical articles created by us in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the company’s global sci­en­tif­ic team. CONTENTI managed the val­i­da­tion circuit for all content and coor­di­nat­ed with the company each month to determine the content calendar.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an mul­ti­lat­er­al orga­ni­za­tion with 38 Member countries working together to promote economic growth, pros­per­i­ty and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. Social media plays an integral role in the orga­ni­za­tion’s com­mu­ni­ca­tions. CONTENTI has created countless social media posts promoting and linking both to OECD pub­li­ca­tions, and to related articles and features developed by us.